the Ecological approach to visual perception

by James J. Gibson

“ecological psychology”

How do we see the environment around us?
How do we see where we are in the environment?
How do we see whether or not we are moving and, if we are, where we are going?

optical or acoustic, or haptic, etc. patterning that would best correspond to actual perceiving in the world no longer seemed like stimulus but information
‘structured energy that was information about environmental sources’

I should get back on Part II The Infomation for Visual Perception


On Scenography

by sodja lotker & richard gough

‘Everything we do and almost everything comprehend scenic formation - landscape, site and setting - but also a way of constructing the physical, perceptual and emotional environment of/for the event’ (3)

‘There is no such thing as an empty space (as once proposed by Peter Brook (1968)) - every space is an environment, is already resonant; it has its character, a psychology and a memory and, if nothing else, little invisible scars.’ (4) => 여백

‘The space performs even before the actor walks across it. The character of a space is the way that it positions us and spaces our actions’ 

‘Scenography is the many-layered environment of a performance that creates spatial contexts and activates positioning’ -> looking happens with the whole body

‘Scenographies have power over us they, command our attention and affect our emotion.’ 

‘Integrate the two spatio-temporal strands into a unified structure’ (5)

playfully and insightfully arrests time through space (on stage) evoking a kairological (as opposed to chronological) sense of time (on stage)

“the expressive organization of space”—a practice of daily life and a fundamental of communication and being human
